On 2008/07/30, at 15:56, Pierre Joye wrote:


On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 2:43 AM, Marcus Boerger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Pierre,

but we are not creating tests for any of these, actually all of these have their own testing system which in most case is not even bundeled or executable through PHP. So the only way out is to run their respective test systems by bundling them and integrating them into our build and gcov runs. However our gcov runs are highly specialized. So I do not see any point in
doing that. Nor do I see a point in having any of these pull pown or
percentage and in that way making us look worse then we are and even keep
us from increasing our limits and goals.

It may be true for pcre or mbstring's libs not for GD for the reasons
I stated earlier.

I got the same opinion as Marcus's for mbstring and PCRE, while I doubt bundling three different regex libraries is a good idea. The maintainers know better about the treatment of the other bundled libraries, I guess.



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