
On Tuesday, April 3, 2001, at 08:31 PM, Daevid Vincent wrote:

> So close and yet so far away... is there an "odbcping" type program? If 
> we
> run "odbcping" on the SQL2000 server, it works fine (to itself of 
> course,
> but using the ODBC settings AFAIK).

yes, it's called odbctest. :)

> [root=pts/3]3:59pm@content:{/usr/local/openlink/bin}> ./odbctest
> OpenLink ODBC Demonstration program
> This program shows an interactive SQL processor
> Enter ODBC connect string (? shows list): ?
> DSN                            | Description
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> OpenLink                       | OpenLink Generic ODBC Driver
> TattooReader                   | Tattoo Database on SQL2000 server
> Enter ODBC connect string (? shows list): DSN=TattooReader
> select * from blah

does the select work?
> exit
> the only way to exit this is to kill the process, "exit" doesn't work.
> So, I'm not getting any errors anymore, but it's not doing anything 
> either.
ah, so I guess not.

> Now we haven't ruled out the firewall as a possible problem here, 
> however I
> can:
> [root=pts/3]3:59pm@content:{/usr/local/openlink/bin}> telnet 
> 1433
> Trying
> Connected to
> Escape character is '^]'.
> ^[
> ^[^[
> ^[^[^[
> ^[^[
> ^[
> ^[

Why are you trying the server tcp port 1433?  That is not one used by 
our Multi-Tier drivers.
Please verify that you have installed the server-side drivers.

If a firewall is in place on the SQLServer box, you can open it up for 
TCP 5000 to 5020 as a default range, or open whatever you want and 
change the PortHigh and PortLow directives in the oplrqb.ini file.

> but as you can see, ^] doesn't Escape. In fact, the only way to stop it 
> is
> to kill the telnet process from another shell. SHOULD I be able to do
> anything from the telnet prompt? Like with HTTP, you can get it to spew 
> out
> a web page, is there some command to run to make sure the connection is 
> all
> good in both directions?

I suppose that could be a firewall issue - dunno and it's not relevant 
to this issue.
> [root=pts/2]4:03pm@content:{/root}> netstat
> Active Internet connections (w/o servers)
> Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         
> State
> tcp        0      0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:1096
> notice that the ports don't line up. should they? my MIS guy says that's
> normal and there's just a pool of ports the OS picks from and will 'map'
> them correctly (in lay terms).

normal for your shell/terminal type, but again not relevant.

> and FWIW, the PHP example STILL segfaults. I would expect it to through 
> up
> an error, not segfault... that can't be good can it?
I'm wondering if you've compiled properly.
Can you pass me a phpinfo(); page? Off list is fine.

Best regards,
Andrew Hill - OpenLink Software
Director Technology Evangelism
eBusiness Infrastructure Technology

> daevid.com
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Andrew Hill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 8:08 PM
>> To: Daevid Vincent; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; PHP General
>> Subject: Re: [PHP-DB] PHP4.0.4 segfaults with odbc_pconnect
>> Daevid,
>> connection script snipped (looked fine)
>>> $dsn="DSN=OpenLink"; // this is a valid DSN set up in the above 
>>> odbc.ini
>>> //$conn_id = odbc_connect("DSN=OpenLink;UID=daevid;PWD=secret","","");
>>> ?>
>>> ----------------------
>>> [OpenLink]
>>> Driver          = /usr/local/openlink/lib/oplodbc.so.1
>>> Description     = Sample OpenLink DSN
>>> Host            =
>>> ServerType      = Oracle 8.1.x
>>> FetchBufferSize = 99
>>> UserName        = daevid
>>> Password        = secret
>>> Database        = mydatabase
>>> ServerOptions   =
>>> ConnectOptions  =
>>> Options         =
>>> ReadOnly        = yes
>>> Trace           = 0
>>> TraceFile       = /tmp/iodbc.trace
>>> [Default]
>>> Driver = /usr/local/openlink/lib/oplodbc.so.1
>>> Is "ServerType = Oracle 8.1.x" right?
>>> I'm trying to connect to a MS SQL2000 server on a Win2k box:
>> No, that is just a sample DSN - you will want to edit it to match your
>> configureation or add an additional one wiht server type SQLServer 2000
>> Database is the sqlserver catalog, e.g. northwind, pubs, or yours.
>> When adding a DSN, add a matching section at the top as well:
>> [ODBC Data Sources]
>>     OpenLink       = OpenLink Generic ODBC Driver //o
>>     SQLServer2k
>> [SQLServer2k]
>> Driver          = /usr/local/openlink/lib/oplodbc.so.1
>> Host            =
>> FetchBufferSize = 99
>> ServerType      = SQLServer2000
>> UserName        = daevid
>> Password        = secret
>> Database        = mydatabase
>> You can add the other options as you see fit, or even override these by
>> setting the RulesBook on the server side.
>> Everything else looks fine.
>> This assumes you have the server-side components of our Multi-Tier 
>> driver
>> installed on the SQLServer box.  It might be wise to add a DSN on
>> the server
>> using the OpenLink driver, to test you have the server-side components
>> installed properly.
>> If you've not yet installed them, the SQLServer agent / Request Broker
>> components are at: 
>> http://www.openlinksw.com/software/open40/ntadmzzz.zip
>> Checking the docs out for configuring OpenLink Drivers might not hurt
>> either, and might have saved you time setting up your initial 
>> connection:
>> http://www.openlinksw.com/info/docs/rel4doc/index.html
>>> [root=pts/2]7:35pm@content:{/usr/local/openlink/bin}> cat odbcinst.ini
>>> [ODBC Drivers]
>>> OpenLink Generic ODBC Driver = Installed
>>> [OpenLink Generic ODBC Driver]
>>> Driver = /usr/local/openlink/lib/oplodbc.so.1
>>> Setup  = /usr/local/openlink/lib/oplodbc.so.1
>>> [root=pts/2]7:35pm@content:{/usr/local/openlink/bin}> ./odbctest
>>> OpenLink ODBC Demonstration program
>>> This program shows an interactive SQL processor
>>> Enter ODBC connect string (? shows list): ?
>>> DSN                            | Description
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
>>> OpenLink                       | OpenLink (MT)
>>> Enter ODBC connect string (? shows list): OpenLink
>>> [iODBC][Driver Manager]Dialog failed, SQLSTATE=IM008
>> Syntax problem here - odbctest takes the argument "DSN=DSN_Name", not 
>> just
>> the DSN_Name
>>> Have a nice day.
>> You obviously have the ODBCINI set properly in the environmnet,
>> or odbctest
>> wouldn't show your DSNs.
>> So fix the ServerType, ensure working server-side components, and 
>> change
>> your connection syntax for odbctest - you actually are just about 
>> there.
>> Let me know if you need additional assistance.
>> Best regards,
>> Andrew
>> ---------------------------------------
>> Andrew Hill - OpenLink Software
>> Director Technology Evangelism
>> eBusiness Infrastructure Technology
>> http://www.openlinksw.com
> --
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