Well, where did you install it?  If the header files are under
/usr/local/mysql/include and the library files are under
/usr/local/mysql/lib (for example) then you would need to tell PHP to use
since PHP needs to be able to find both the header and library files
somewhere under the path you give it.


On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Mike Corredea wrote:

> I just downloaded MySQL-3.23.36.tar (Which is the Source tar) from their
> site and I have php-4.0.4pl1. I have installed MySQL and it is ready to
> go. I know this for I can connect via the MySQL Monitor. When I try to
> configure php with the line "./configure
> --with-apache=/usr/local/apache_1.3.19 --with-mysql --with-ldap
> --enable-track-vars" it tells me that it can't find the header files.
> Then I point it to the header files, after that I get the error "can't
> find client lib". What should I do about this ?? Where do I tell php to
> look for it ??
> --
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