Hi I'm trying to put up some php files I have created that is working
normaly at php local server with php 4.04 and mysql 3.23.36

but it wonīt work at the servr where the client will have it
with php 4.03 and mysql 3.22.32

the thing that wonīt work is when I got a sql query that contains a inner
join statement
that wont work with 3.22.32 is there any one that knows if it canīt handle
inner join statemaents or are  the loking diffrentlie

the inner join statement that I have is below

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * From city
inner join state_prov on state_prov.state_id = city.state_id
inner join area_phone on area_phone.city_id = city.city_id
inner join phone_nr on phone_nr.phone_id= area_phone.phone_id
inner join netwrk on netwrk.net_id = area_phone.net_id
inner join country on country.country_id = state_prov.country_id
inner join areacode on areacode.area_id = area_phone.area_id
ORDER BY '$sSort'");

Thanks / Tobbe

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