Something more ...

1. Put something like this in your code where you execute the query
$ result = mysql_queyr($sql) or die( mysql_errno()." : ".mysql_error());

2. If the query is succesful, just dump the result w/o any formatting, just 
in case the problem's there. (Shouldn't be with IE, it's remarkably tolerant.

3. When you view the source of the page in IE what do you see?  Does it 
look right?

4. There's always our old Windows standby -- reinstall the software! But 
let's not do that yet.


At 09:38 PM 1/8/2002 -0500, Peter Westergaard wrote:
>Miles, you wrote:
> >Is your table indexed on the field your query is based on? That will
> >greatly speed up the query.
> >
> >Miles Thompson
>I'm afraid in my case, the query needs to be pretty much a complete table 
>Even if I filter a subset the data, my relational DB experience (not deep,
>admittedly, and only with enterprise products like Oracle and ... ugh...
>MSSql) tells me that indices on tables less than a few thousand entires
>cost more in upkeep than they gain in response.  And this is only about 
>300-400 rows... and more to the point, this happens when I pull more than 
>30 of them or so!  I feel that something MUST be wrong!
>But all of that aside, the problem isn't just that it takes a "long 
>time"... the
>problem seems to be that it literally *crashes* the instance of PHP! (The
>webpage never finishes loading, and the CPU meter drops back down to idle
>levels, and if I cancel the webpage, I leave an orphaned instance of
>PHP.exe running, which I cannot kill even from my Win2000 Task Manager).
>I mean, I'm a newbie and I'll admit that, but that just Don't seem Right.
>Does ANYONE have any idea what might be happening and how I can fix it?
>Please? :)
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