=An alternative approach:-

> > I am building a user search engine. Now I do not know how to gett
> > following:
> >
> > a mandatory field and a voluntary field
> >
> > For example I would like to get all female users and those who are from
> > canada.
> > The results should show all users who are female regardless of nationality
> > But it should also show all users from canada.
> >
> > How would this look like?
> >
> > SELECT *
> > FROM table
> > WHERE sex=1 AND country='CA'
> >
> > This is wrong I know. But how does it work???
>  WHERE sex = 1 OR country = 'CA';
> Will select all users who are female as well as all users from Canada. You
> may get duplicate records (for people who are female and from Canada) so you
> may want to use DISTINCT as well.

=If all you want to do is to 'highlight' people from Canada, whilst having a query 
that gives a worldwide
resultset, try:

SELECT *, IF( country = 'CA', 'Canuck', 'Normal' ) AS highlight
  FROM table WHERE sex=1;


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