On Thursday 17 January 2002 06:27, Jaime A. Chavarriaga L. wrote:
> Jason
> >  WHERE sex = 1 OR country = 'CA';
> >
> > Will select all users who are female as well as all users from Canada.
> > You may get duplicate records (for people who are female and from Canada)
> > so
> you
> > may want to use DISTINCT as well.
> ok... you are right... but this error (duplicated rows) just can be
> possible if you are selecting several tables, the data rows are not unique,
> or you are making some kind of join

Ah yes, I forgot we're only using a single table here <sheepish grin>

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.com.hk

The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of.
                -- Blaise Pascal

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