
I hope someone can help me with this.

I am trying to modify this portion of a script so that I can upload photos (MacOSX 10.2.3) but keep the file names intact. At the moment everything works fine except that when I upload photos, the script changes the name of the file I just uploaded to a new filename (sequentially) based on the database 'id' number to 1.gif, 2.gif, 3.gif and so on.

I need to be able to keep the filename as it is (05-01.gif, 23-02.gif etc) when I upload it!

// Insert the photo details into the database

$result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO photo

(id,galleryid,title,size_in_MB,person,filename,description) VALUES

('','$galleryid','$title','$size_in_MB','$person','$filename', '$description')

// Retrieve the ID of the photo

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM photo
WHERE galleryid = '$galleryid'
AND title = '$title'
AND description = '$description'");
$id = mysql_result($result,0,"id");

// Generate a filename for the file

$filename = "$id.$format";

// Alter the database record to point to the correct
// filename.

$result = mysql_query("UPDATE photo SET filename = '$filename'
WHERE id = '$id'");

// Move the thumbnail and full-sized photo to the correct filesystem
// location.

copy ($photo,"$filepath/$galleryid/photos/$id.$format");
copy ($thumbnail,"$filepath/$galleryid/thumbnails/$id.$format");

// Print out a Success message to the user.

Mike C
Macintosh Support Specialist
University of Otago (ITS)

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