Le lundi 17 mars 2003, 22:04:08 ou environ Ignatius Reilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit:
> The standard relational way is a relationship table:
> children
> ---------
> FK_parentID (parent)
> FK_childrenID (child)
> PRIMARY KEY ( FK_parentID, FK_childrenID )
> >

> > I started to use PHP with MySQL last december.
> > Personal use: list of inhabitants of a town in the 15th century
> >
> > Problem is the following: one person has an arbitrary number of children.
> > It is heavy to have fields child1,child2,child3,...,childn containing the
> row
> > number of each child especially if the number of children is variable.
> >
> > When I played with Commodore VIC20 I used to put pointers to records in a
> > string in the form pointer1,pointer2,...,pointern in a string.
> >
> > I think of using explode and implode to put all the record numbers of the
> > children in one varchar field.
> >
> > If someone have a better idea?

Thank you. I thought of a relational database of course with what I
already worked a few years ago with Perl-TK/MySQL. I may have badly
understood but I'll still need a field per child to point toward the
record in the children table and the parent is a child too.

Alain Barthélemy

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