Le lundi 17 mars 2003, 15:19:07 ou environ May, Patrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit:

>    The table structure I can imagine:
>    person
>    ------------
>    personId
>    name
>    etc
>    relationship
>    ------------
>    relationshipId
>    description
>    personToPersonRelationship
>    --------------------------
>    fromPersonId
>    toPersonId
>    relationshipId
>    The flexibility in here is to let you model pretty much any
>    relationship between two people.  I don't know your data, but this may
>    be helpful (To be able to express step mothers, step fathers, nannies,
>    etc)
>    ~ Patrick

Thank you Patrick. I keep the proposition but I'll try the proposition
of Johh Holmes.

Alain Barthélemy

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