If I understand your post and desired outcome correctly, I think the problem
would lie in the upload.php file. You may need to post the code from that
file for anybody to really help you out.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dewi Wahyuni [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 9:17 AM
> Subject: [PHP-DB] File input from form not detected 
> Hi, following my earlier post
> My input file from form in eg upload.html was not detected in 
> the upload.php (handler)
> The example can be seen in 
> http://www.busybees.com.my/tryout/upload.html
> I tried uploading using the <input type=file name=userfile>
> which is supposed to be captured by the php as $userfile (as 
> far as I know) but whenever I put 
> if($userfile) it fails. BUT $userfile_name is able to  
> display the filename . 
> With print_f($HTTP_POST_VARS) also the userfile was not 
> displayed, only other input element which is Maximum file 
> size is displayed 
> My register_globals is 'on' as you can see if you try the 
> example in the above url. I have given the phpinfo() in upload.php
> I can handle all other data from forms except files.
> Please help
> THank you
> Dewi
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