Hi all,
I recently change my apche, php mysql server for a better one. I installed all the same versions of software on the new server (except for php which was 4.36 RC2). I have apache 1.3 + mysql 3.23.58 + php 4.36. Im on a WinXp Pro os. I copy the exact config for the my.ini, httpd.conf and php.ini files. The result is unfortunatly a very slow application.
For exemple, it takes 5-10 secoonds to phpMyAdmin to load after the login, but when a do a big query, with the query interface, it clocks under 1 second.
I thought It was the php then, but a big while loop took not much time then normal to print out.
Then maybe the apache, but page containing only HTML print well.
I try to put a connection and disconnection in the While loop and it slow down all the process.
With this little test I thing that it come from MySql. I try some setting like "output_buffering" without result.
If someone can help me identify for sure the guilty process with some test a can't imagine myself....
Thanks, and sorry for my bad english I do my best!

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