On Fri, 13 Aug 2004 15:20:36 +0200, Quentin Cotillard
> Consider a table similar to the one below.
> What I want to do is to get ONE random record from categories(cat) A
> and 5 random record from category B
> | ID | computer | name | cat |...
>    1    dell       834    A
>    2    ibm        526    A
>    3    apple      134    B
>    4    sony       333    A
>    5    dell       834    B
>    6    ibm        556    A
>    7    apple      534    B
>    8    sony       233    A
>    9    dell       874    A
> ....
> How could I construct my query to the mysql?

This is an SQL question, not a PHP question.

order by rand limit 5

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paperCrane --Justin Patrin--

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