>> I have been crafting my own database abstraction layer, and in doing so
>> create an array of the results of a query.
> Is this an db abstraction layer written in php (script), or written as a
> module for php (C)?
> I was thinking of writing an (open source) db-abstraction module (that uses
> existing db-modules, of course), which could then be used from php-script as
> well as from other modules that need db-functionality without committing to
> a specific database.
> Or, does such a module exist already and should I concentrate on using
> and/or co-developing that one?
> Thanks, Marc.

I'd be open to turning it into C, as all my layer is really doing at its
core is to do every single bit of error checking and API utilization for all
the different DB drivers present on the system.

What I've seen of PHPLIB and PEAR's DB function don't interest me. I hardly
see the point of using objects to do the work that a general function would
do just as well and without any need to instantiate it.

I need to spend some time with the Zend API to see if it's really worth it
for my time to go about doing it, but yes, I am very much considering
turning it into C.

I've really been hoping that someone was going to take an intermediately
complex Zend extension and put together a how-to that would help beginners
and advanced programmers alike.

I think there is a real need for someone or a group of programmers to get
together and write a step-by-step theory/implementation "cookbook" for the
sake of the community. Should I reach that point, I'd be happy to do it, but
I tend to believe that the community could do it faster and better than I
could right now, and that if if such a document were made publicly
available, the community could build more and better core tools faster.

My 2 cents...:)


Per the initial question I posted, can there at least by made available a
newer option for mysql_fetch_array() such as MYSQL_ALL, which would then
give you null and non-null associative names?

  Mark J. Hershenson

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