ID: 8828
Updated by: jason
Status: Open
Bug Type: Date/time related
Assigned To: 

This actually is part of the Ansi C standard.

Solaris 8 manpage -----------------------

The original values of the components may be either greater than or less than the 
specified range. For example, a tm_hour of -1 means 1 hour before midnight, tm_mday of 
0 means the day preceding the current month, and tm_mon of -2 means 2 months before 
January of tm_year


Alg from c standard

#define QUOT(a,b) ((a)>0 ? (a)/(b) : -(((b)-(a)-1)/(b)))
#define REM(a,b) ((a)-(b)*QUOT(a,b))

SS = tm_hour*3600 + tm_min*60 + tm_sec +
  (tm_leapsecs == _NO_LEAP_SECONDS ? X1 :
                 tm_leapsecs) -
  (tm_zone == _LOCALTIME ? X2 : tm_zone) * 60;

// X1 is the appropriate number of leap seconds, determined by
// the implementation, or 0 if it cannot be determined. 
// X2 is the appropriate offset from local time to UTC,
// determined by the implementation, or

// (tm_isdst >= 0 ? tm_isdst : 0)
// if the offset cannot be determined

         M = REM(tm_mon, 12);
         Y = tm_year + 1900 + QUOT(tm_mon, 12);
         Z = Y - (M < 2 ? 1 : 0);
         D = Y*365 + (Z/400)*97 + (Z%400)/4 +
         M[(int []){0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,
                               304,335}] +
        tm_mday + QUOT(SS, 86400);
               S = REM(SS, 86400);
Mac OS X is not following this standard


Previous Comments:

[2001-01-27 07:26:19] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have send a bug report to darwin-developers and 
apple, too, but

i have check some UNIX-systems and i haven't found 
any man-page, where is describe what should be 
happend on "tm_mday" <= 0.
IMHO this is a undocumented feature, which is used by 

man mktime (Linux 2.2.13)
              The day of the month, in the range 1 to 31.

Sun Release 4.1
       int tm_mday;     /* day of month (1 - 31) */

SunOS 5.5
       int  tm_mday;       /* day of the month - [1, 31] */

HP-UX Release 10.20
       int tm_mday;     /* day of month - [1,31] */

HP-UX Release 11.00
       int tm_mday;     /* day of month - [1,31] */

AIX 4.3.2

       int tm_mday;    /* Day of month (1 - 31) */

Darwin 1.0.2
       int tm_mday;     /* day of month (1 - 31) */

I think i should by much better to check mktime() on 
configure and set a #define for compilation. Only on 
"datetime.c" must be made a patch to support MacOS 
X's / Darwin's mktime()-systemcall, i think!


[2001-01-22 22:32:57] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
macos x is behaving in a non-standard way. we just use the underlying mktime() 

you might try reporting it to the darwin developers.


[2001-01-21 08:06:36] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On PHP documantation:
mktime(hour,min,sec, year,0,mon) refers the last day of 
month 'mon-1'. On MacOS X this failed, there it refers 
the first day of month 'mon' and mktime(hour,min,sec, 
year,-1,mon) refers the last day of month 'mon-1'.

See the test:

[aragorn:~/Downloads] dieter% cat A.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

        struct tm mytm;
        int i;

        mytm.tm_sec = 0; mytm.tm_min = 0;
        mytm.tm_hour = 0; mytm.tm_year = 101;
        mytm.tm_wday = 0; mytm.tm_yday = 0;
        mytm.tm_isdst = 0; mytm.tm_gmtoff = 0;
        mytm.tm_zone = 0;

        for (i = 2; i >= -2; i--)
                mytm.tm_mday = i;
                mytm.tm_mon = 2;
                printf ("%02d.%02d ",
                           mytm.tm_mday, mytm.tm_mon+1);
                printf (" --> %ld", mktime(&mytm));
                printf (" --> %02d.%02dn",
                           mytm.tm_mday, mytm.tm_mon+1);
[aragorn:~/Downloads] dieter% cc -o A A.c
[aragorn:~/Downloads] dieter% ./A
02.03  --> 983487600 --> 02.03
01.03  --> 983401200 --> 01.03
00.03  --> 983401200 --> 01.03
-1.03  --> 983314800 --> 28.02
-2.03  --> 983228400 --> 27.02
[aragorn:~/Downloads] dieter% 


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