Andi wrote:
>That brings me to more current events. I'd like to roll an RC1 for 4.0.6
>pretty soon (Saturday?).

I don't want to slow things down here, and if Saturday can be achieved, all
well and good, but we perhaps ought to have a strong guideline that, say, 1
weeks warning of an impending RC is given. That will give everyone time to
either get their important stuff in, or argue for a delay, and there will be
a lower probability of people wanting to stick stuff in other than bugfixes
after RC1.

If we can't have a firm rule that only bug fixes go in after RC1, can we at
least agree that that is the guideline in upper case bold 72 point flashing
red and green text?

Phil Driscoll
Dial Solutions
+44 (0)113 294 5112

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