On Thu, 3 May 2001, Phil Driscoll wrote:

>Andi wrote:
>>That brings me to more current events. I'd like to roll an RC1 for 4.0.6
>>pretty soon (Saturday?).
>I don't want to slow things down here, and if Saturday can be achieved, all
>well and good, but we perhaps ought to have a strong guideline that, say, 1
>weeks warning of an impending RC is given. That will give everyone time to
>either get their important stuff in, or argue for a delay, and there will be
>a lower probability of people wanting to stick stuff in other than bugfixes
>after RC1.
>If we can't have a firm rule that only bug fixes go in after RC1, can we at
>least agree that that is the guideline in upper case bold 72 point flashing
>red and green text?

I just want to remind everyone that the 4.0.6 is suppose to have mainly
bug fixes..or wasn't this agreed on yet?


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