[Phil Driscoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> I was going to send a post on this topic yesterday, but then I
> deleted it, but maybe it is worth airing incase it prompts someone
> whose brain is working better than mine was yesterday to rifine the
> idea.
> My thought was that it may be possible to get rid of some of the
> portability issues by implementing a new function php_portability()
> which takes TRUE or FALSE arguments to turn it on or off.
> The idea is that when switched on, it could modify the behaviour of
> certain functions dependent on the php.ini settings -
> e.g. addslashes or stripslashes would do nothing if magic_quotes
> were on in php.ini and do its normal job if they were off.
> Sadly the above example is complicated by having magic_quotes_gpc
> and magic_quotes_runtime, so it may not be possible to sort out. The
> other reason I didn't post yesterday, was that I could not then
> think of any other functions for which this kind of behaviour would
> work :)

With such a php_portability() function, it would be _even_ harder to
write portable library code (because you need to handle both
settings).  Two wrongs won't make this one right. :-)

 - Stig

  Stig Sæther Bakken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Fast Search & Transfer ASA, Trondheim, Norway

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