At 05:42 AM 11/16/2001 -0800, Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
> > Now all that is left is to decide :) I think we're at a deadlock.
> > Who opposes this strongly?
>I don't like it, but it is not strong opposition.  To me it just doesn't
>read nicely at all:
>   <?php=$a?>
>compare with:
>   <?$php=$a?>
>   <?php $php=$a?>
><?=$a?> is maginally better because at least there is nothing to the left
>of the = sign to visually confuse matters.

I see what you're saying and looking at it I agree that <?php= is actually 
worse than <?=.
Maybe we should just stick to the status quo and whine about the fact that 
we introduced <?= to begin with :)


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