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> After careful consideration on the CS issue I must say I 
> agree with John here.  The _only_ case where I feel CS is a 
> problem, is when dealing with other environments.  But the 
> price for changing this today is simply too high.  It should 
> have been done in PHP 3.0.  We have other BC issues to soak 
> our brains in.

Actually i should agree with that, because it sounds reasonable.
But there are a few things that hinder me. PHP isn't really
case-insensitiv, as variable names are already case-sensitiv. Thus
beginners are even more confused.
Try to explain a beginner that functions are case-insensitive,
variables are case-sensitive and constants can be either or. Isn't
_that_ confusing ?
Have you ever been looking to a beginners BASIC code? John may be
right when he says, that it is easier to start with an case-insensitiv
language. Case sensitiv languages may be a pain in the ass at first,
but as soon as you understand things, your code will be ways cleaner.
Natural languages (English, German, ... everything else ?) are
case-sensitiv too. oR HavE yOu evEr seEn soMEonE wRITiNg lIKE thIs ?

> HOWEVER, I would like to suggest one compromise: storing 
> class names (and maybe function names) exactly as they were 
> spelled in the definition, and have get_class() etc. return 
> that version instead of the lowercased one.  This would at 
> least make us able to expose interfaces with the intended case.
> -1 from me on case sensitivity in ZE2, +1 on storing "pretty names"

would be an a acceptable solution, but would lead to further inconsistency,
as one could write case-sensitiv extensions (i'd do :).


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