On Sun, 10 Feb 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>>   What I don't like is the attitude of the primary maintainer of the
>>   msession extension. He reverts patches by other PHP contributors
>>   without discussing it.
>I can't recall ever reverting a patch. I recall being accused of it, and
>when I asked for more details about what was lost/reverted no one spoke
>up. Someone changed msession so that it was no longer compatible with the
>version of PHP I have in production. Rather than delete the changes, I put
>ifdefs around them so as not to lose the other developer's work. I got
>crap for that too.

    IMO, such extensions which need to be source BC with PHP/Zend
    should not be in the php4/ext/ but in PECL where you can release
    whenever you make some fixes to the code.

    PECL is not supposed to be a trashcan either but place for
    extensions that change very often and are maintained by someone.
    (which is the case for msession and which is really good thing)
    This wouldn't of course work for extensions that are not actively
    maintained. (shame on those authors who commit and disappear..)

    What we should think about is a way to include some of PECL
    extensions in PHP releases. One problem is that how we can
    be sure that the extension is up-to-date and works with the
    to be released PHP/Zend..more work for QA? :)
    Another thing is the ChangeLog / NEWS. PECL extensions should
    have their own ChangeLog and NEWS files?

    I'm not sure if this has been considered ever, but wouldn't
    it be nice to have a release package select page on php.net..?
    ie. you go there and pick the PECL extensions you would
    like to have in the package and then this package is created
    with those extensions included in ext/

    (I know that there is some cmd-line installer with which
    you can install PEAR modules..but for PECL, it doesn't make
    much sense, IMO, as these you have to compile anyway..and dynamic
    loading is not available on all systems)


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