On Fri, Apr 12, 2002 at 07:32:47PM -0400, medvitz wrote:
> The issue I have with PHP is that the people in charge have reasons for not 
> implementing performance enhancements in the base code.  They charge a fair 
> amount for add-ons that increases performance drastically.  I could 
> actually argue that extensibility and performance on the back end aren't 
> what they should be for this reason.
> Not that I want to make enemies here, but I think this is a realistic 
> criticism.  Not to mention that the Qt license that is used prevents anyone 
> from making extensions and selling them w/o an additional license from the 
> Zend people.  So they are able to make money off of the hard work of all of 
> the module contributors, which I think really blows.

So if i understand what your saying you don't like that fact the Zend had write an 
good engine for PHP4 and now is making some money with it??

Don't forget Zend is a commercial company that is doing a lot for the open source 
Without them you didn't had PHP4! 

Without all the Zend optimalisations (but with the free Zend Optimzer (You've 
installed it, right?!)) PHP4 has a good performance.
With the money they make with their products like Zend Encoder, Zend Cache, etc they 
can continue developing on the Zend Engine.

They don't force you to but their products. They only say that they can really speed 
up your code.
Companies where i work (a official gold microsoft partner  ;-(  ) has also bought the 
Zend products.

My boss thinks the Zend products are very cheap in comparisment with Microsoft 

Microsoft is doing the same thing. They provide you with a 'free' IIS webserver, but 
have also products that enhance IIS like Commerce Server, Content Server, etc.

The fact that a commercial company like Zend is working on PHP is for a large number 
of companies very important.
Most open-source projects don't have a proper helpdesk. Zend is providing a very good 

But all this have two sides. While we (PHP developers) build upon PHP4, and make money 
with the applications we write with it. And Zend is making money with other Zend 
products and they make sure PHP is good enough for companies.

So don't trap Zend into the ground. Because of them you can program OOP in PHP!

That all from me..

Dave Mertens

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