> I know that there are RPC and SOAP classes. But that is not the point that i wanted 
>to make.
> What i'm trying to say is that companies never hear about PHP. OK, they hear about 
>the MIME bug and did you know what my boss
> You see, PHP is just as bad as ASP, so why use PHP and not ASP?
> But only having the classes and documentation for it isn't enough these days. PHP is 
>getting behind on .NET and Java(2). But i
love PHP. I see it as C for the web.
> I use a C writing style, weird anough java extending, and i compile it (Zend 
> And PHP is more multi platform than Java (ok, php won't run on your microwave).
> It's a hard world for a PHP developer in an Microsoft company/world. I only think 
>that SOAP support should be native and must have
a much better XML support (Ever looked at the MSXML parser). Than it might be able to 
compete with .NET and Java.
> And next week i have a special C# traning for PHP developers. Offered free by 
> And because these type of actions of Microsoft i'm lossing grip on my boss to use 
>PHP. So please, keep PHP the best!
The XMLRPC extension does not provide class wrapper it is not OOP. Ok there is a 
wrapper class to help people that wrote code for
the Edd Dumbill lib to swtich easily.
I've used the xmlrpc extension for a while and I can say that it is more intuitive and 
hides the (de)serizalization that is needed
with Edd's code. But the code is not final no matter that some people use it in 
production enviroment.So as well there is a talk on
php-dev on forking GD why not some effort on the xmlrpc extension, to make it 
compatible with the new streams. I've not seen many
changes to the extension on php-cvs for a long time.

We know what is the MS biz practice. I am not sure but one day they may give 
developers money to use .net platform and once there
are many apps for .net they may switch to other policy.
Java has SUN on its back and it is compilable to bytecode. I'll tell you a little 
Several months ago when I went to find a professor that will guide me for my bachelor 
thesis I said that I can program in PHP and I
want to make an extension for PHP. The reaction was bad because she thinks that PHP is 
interpreted(scripting) language for the web;
everyone can write in PHP that's why it is not serious. I left the room after this. 
However she is now my guide for the thesis but I
had to speak more than an hour why PHP is not so bad, why it is better than ASP.
If IBM says "Ok people. As well as we support linux development we will support PHP" 
the statuquo will change dramatically. PHP
needs a big name on its back. Zend is good company but cannot fight MS and SUN.

Best regards,

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