On Tue, Apr 16, 2002 at 05:09:57PM +0100, James Cox wrote:
> I hear you on the call to make PHP more recognisable. That's why we have the
> php-evangelism project, where we are putting together documents and facts as
> to why choose PHP over other languages. Really advocating PHP. I invite
> you - and anyone else interested - to join.
I must say this is the first time i heared about that project.. And how can i join the 

> Secondly, as to why PHP sucks because it doesn't have a soap extension (bla
> bla bla). It doesn't suck. The beauty of PHP is that it carries from C
> something really special. A lighweight basic environment for getting things
> done. You don't need ext/soap or ext/java -- you can do a whole load of
> these things without needing to have to leave PHP userspace, as Shane has
> demonstrated with his excellent PEAR SOAP classes.
> That's the beauty of PHP -- you can do everything within the language. We're
> even getting to the stage in which you can use PHP to write things that you
> would traditionally use perl, or c (eg, irc bots, email handlers, even
> ide's - with php-gtk) to handle.
That all great. Almost every company (even google) has a SOAP interface. SOAP relies 
for a big part on XML.
We (ISM, the company i work for) write e-commerce, b2c, b2b, extranet and portal 
We have to connect several interface to the website. And SOAP makes that much easier.

And i know that PHP can also writes console apps with forking, getopt, etc. 
What i really miss in PHP is a good XML parser. And because i've been working with the 
MS parser for 2 years now, i'm not completely nutral. But i must say that working with 
the MS parser is realy fun.

And this like variable variables are quite unique. Also what i've read about the ZE2 
engine (destructors, private vars) really interests me.
I only hope that their will be also an property mechanism. But with the private i can 
force the use of $object->setX and $object->getX.
Also static variables are a must. Overloading is a keyword these days with .NET

And because isn't the booman as i'm descriping him, he's writing out a company contest.
We (Linux/kde/php) get a Sharp Zaures and the ASP (Win CE + .NET) get a HP Jornada.

Both teams have to write an extranet for the handhelds. But i think kde will be 
replaced by gnome, there's isn't PHP-QT yet..
Both extranets needs to be extendable to fit later requirements. For now kept secret.

And the most important rule. Each team must make an API for import/export the data 
hold by the applications. Direct DB access is forbidden.
The winning product will be used in a warehouse enviroment.

My change to proof that PHP is still these days a good tool. Oh both teams exists of 4 
developers to keep it fair.

> It has been mentioned before -- "what is there left to do to PHP?" -- and I
> believe that we could just fix up all the bugs left, and then work on
> writing add-ons in pecl or pear. Really, lets stop turning this language
> into bloat-ware with all the latest plugins and gadgets (that make other
> languages hell to learn), and stick with our original principles : and easy
> language to learn and extend.

But there's a feature that could solve the bloat-ware, namely DL. Don't put everything 
static in PHP, but more in a module way.
Like all the dll's that are supplied with the ISAPI binaries.

And ISM (the company i work for) already wrote an application/session/page RPC server 
to maintain states. The only problem is that my boss doesn't let me commit the RPC 
server ;-(

But i will stop writing negative about PHP.. But i still believe that PHP needs to 
keep up with other languages.

Dave Mertens

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