You can kind of simulate multithreading with the sockets extension by using 
socket_select(). Technically, the result is multiplexing and not 
multithreading, but in the end, it works quite nicely -- you can handle 
multiple incoming/outgoing connections without the need for forking or 
multiple threads. 

Handling multiple sockets is definitely do-able in PHP, and it's relatively 
easy to set up. There should be an example I wrote somewhere in the 


Dan Hardiker wrote:

> The only feature which would be useful towards this module is threading.
> If PHP were able to thread it could handle multiple incoming sockets and
> neglegate the need for IPC between child processes (where PCNTL has been
> used) as it could all be handled by a common parent with shared (not
> copied) variables.
> Just my 2p's worth

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