Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:

> Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
>> Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
>>> yohgaki         Mon Sep 30 22:43:33 2002 EDT
>>>  Modified files:
>>>    /php4/main  output.c
>>>  Log:
>>>  Fixed implicit flush.
>>   This commit broke my script, that I mentioned before, again. It now
>>   dumps the contents of a variable to stdout instead of writing it to a
>>   file.
> A little history. When 4.1.0 (or 4.2.0?) is released, I've fixed
> crush with deleting wrong buffer with implicit flush. The fix
> disabled implicit flush.
> I finally fixed implicit flush. Users should worry about
> implicit flush directive in php.ini now. e.g. implicit_flush=Off
> for normal use.
> Apparently, CLI SAPI implicitly enable implicit flush at
> initialization no matter what the php.ini setting is. CLI behavior
> is wrong, since there is no way to change implicit flush directive
> once script is started. I notified this to Edin and he would address
> this issue soon hopefully. 

Is it worth adding a note to the output control page
http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.outcontrol.php and/or ob_start to say
"Note: When upgrading from PHP 4.1 (& 4.2) to 4.3 that due to a bug in 
earlier versions you must ensure that implict_flush is OFF in your 
php.ini, otherwise any output withing ob_start, will be not be hidden 
from output"

or something similar?
(at least it will be documented, even if nobody reads it :)


> -- 
> Yasuo Ohgaki

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