At 10:55 07/10/2002, Yasuo Ohgaki wrote:
>As I said before, I don't touch any of chunk size related code.
>You've removed all applicable lines regarding to implicit flush

No implicit flush please.  Enough.  It's over.  Seriously, please, it's 
really getting on my nerves already :) [*]

>Anyway, using unlimited size of buffer makes sense to me.
>Unless it buffers whole contents, URL rewriter may fail to
>modify HTML correctly.
>I don't read code, so I cannot make comment on this.
>But, I guess it is working as before w/o adding output
>control functions.

Well, you should have at least assumed that considering it's been working 
with chunked buffering for  months and months, maybe, just possibly, it's 
supposed to work that way.  The least you should do is ask either Sascha or 
me how come it uses chunked buffering, and whether it's not a bug.  You 
would have gotten a pretty clear response saying that it fully supports 
chunked buffering.


[*] The reason I'm edgy is that on top of the public discussion about 
implicit flush, there was also a fairly long email exchange between Yasuo 
and me regarding that subject...

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