>> The aspect people complaining about is more a version thingie, e.g.
>> they try to set up php 4.2.3 with apache 2.0.43 and this could not
>> succeed. Is it really necessary to document that apache 2.03x works
>> only with php 4.2.x1, php4.2.x2 and apache 2.04x only with php4.2y1
>> or php4.2.y2? It should be clearly mentioned, that the support for
>> apache2 isn't production stable ;-)

> I think, it would be nice to add information to one place, the documentation
> about Apache 2 support.

>  1. It's not production ready
>  2. If someone want to set it up, how to do it (Linux, Windows)
>  3. What PHP versions work with what Apache 2 versions

For this information it would be nice if someone from the devs could
give a short view about.

PHP-Version:      Apache version supported:

4.2.0 started     ??
4.2.1             ??
4.2.2             ??
4.2.3             2.0.3x or 2.0.4x

snap build        2.0.43

I am also satified if someone could tell me, where to find this info
by mayself :-)

>  4. It should be noted, that Apache 1 support is continued ;)

O.K. if I'll find the time I'all add some initial docs about.

>> Also a point to consider is the name of the correct cgi executable
>> for win: in 4.2.3 it's php.exe the cli-build names php-cli.exe.
>> In the 4.3.0-dev the cli names php.exe and the cgi-version
>> php-cgi.exe. I don't know why the names changed, maybe to confuse the
>> people once more and to give some work for the doc-folks ;-)

> Doh, it would be nice to stick to some final names ;)

Could someone of the devs give a hint, please?

> NOTE: cca. 80% of the user notes on the Apache setup page deals with
> Apache 2 installation. We should add verified info to the docs, and
> delete those notes. There are many sites offering a php4apache2.dll
> to download. These can harm our users, as they can contain any
> vulnerable code, which our users download, just because there is no
> official support/documentation for Apache...

> http://www.php.net/manual/en/install.apache.php

> Please keep this in mind,

o.k. convinced :-)


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