At 07:31 PM 2/3/2003 +0100, Marcus Börger wrote:
After adding -B, -F, -R and -E which will hopefully liked by the rest of development
team so that the stuff need not to be removed. I (or better a friend of mine) had another
idea. Here comes:
I am glad to hear someone else is interested in php.cli improvements.

I have written an extension to Gnu Make which enables using sapi/cli/php in a makefile environment with auto-detection of dependencies. See:

I have previously posted twice on the subject of a -M switch (similar to gcc -M), for enabling proper use of sapi/cli/php in a makefile environment - I got no responses.

Here is the proposal:

* Add a '-M' option to sapi/cli/php that would behave essentially the same as gcc -M and enable the use of php command-line scripts to work properly in a makefile build environment (See below for explanation of gcc -M).

* 'php -M -f myFile.php' should differ from 'gcc -M myFile.c', in two ways:
a) Command output should only list prerequisite files rather than a complete dependency makefile rule since there is no standard suffix for php output as for C [ myFile.o : myFile.c ... ]
b) Detect dependencies other than included and required files, as reported by get_included_files(). There are many other ways that a PHP script could become dependent on other files which cannot easily be determined automatically unless a function is available for a script to explicitly declare that it depends on an external file. [Example: <? if (file_exists($myFile)) echo "hello";?>].

* Add two built-in PHP functions to allow '-M' option to accurately identify file dependencies in PHP source files (the names could change):
void register_prerequisite_file( string $myFile )
Array get_prerequisite_files( )

* With the above two functions, this is how the system should work:
In the following example, /usr/local/bin/php-cli is the command-line version of PHP: sapi/cli/php
--------- file: test.php
php include( "myIncludedFile.php" );
register_prerequisite_file( "myRequiredFile")
if (file_exists( "myRequiredFile" )) echo "got file";
-------- eof

Internally php-cli -M would call get_included_files() and get_prerequisite_files() and join them together in a space separated list, with the first item being the source file. Here is what php-cli would do from the command line:

$/usr/local/bin/php-cli -M -f test.php
test.php myIncludedFile.php myRequiredFile

# example makefile which implements the functionality without php -M

# Command for generating output files from source files
# the command-line version of php binary must be specified in: XME_php.cli_outfileCmd
# this is built under <php_source_dir>/sapi/cli/php

# Command to generate a list of dependencies from a source file (including the source file)
# $(1) - source file
define XME_php.cli_dependCmd
$(shell $(XME_php.cli_outfileCmd) -r 'include "$(1)"; $$tmpFile = "$(XMAKE_TMP_DIR)/php.cli_dependCmd_out"; if (function_exists('get_prerequisite_files')){ $$files = get_prerequisite_files();}else{$$files = get_included_files();} $$str = join(" ",$$files); $$fp = @fopen( $$tmpFile, "w"); fputs( $$fp, $$str );' 1>$(XMAKE_TMP_DIR)/php.cli_dependCmd_junk || { cat $(XMAKE_TMP_DIR)/php.cli_dependCmd_junk; exit 1; }; cat $(XMAKE_TMP_DIR)/php.cli_dependCmd_out; )

# end of makefile

Below is what the include file looks like

These functions supporting php dependency makefile rule generation
This file would become obsolete if sapi/cli/php -M option is approved for inclusion in PHP

// paths to files must be ABSOLUTE paths, resolving any symbolic links
// assume your script uses a file 'file1', in the same directory as the script file
// $file1=realpath(file1) doesn't work since it returns false if the file doesn't exist
// since file1 may be created by XMake, we need the path whether or not it exists
// Try this:

require_once( getenv("XMAKE_HOME")."/config/XMExtensions/" );
$filesArray=array( dirname(__FILE__).'/file1' );
register_prerequisite_files( $filesArray );



function register_prerequisite_files( $filesArray ){

function get_prerequisite_files(){
$filesArray = array_merge(get_included_files(), $XMAKE_PHP_PREREQUISITE_FILES);
return $filesArray;

- Greg Keraunen

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