>First simply use "php -h" but i am also thinking about adding a man

That is a bit too much text for 'php -h'. It should be moved to the
online manual. Adding a man page would be great too.

>find . -name '*.c' -o -name '*.h' | php -B '$l=0;' -R
>'$f=count(file($argn)); echo "$argn($n)\n";$l+=$f;' -E 'echo
"Files: $argi,
>Lines: $l\n";'

This appears to be equivelant of:

find . -name '*.c' -o -name '*.h' | php -r 'while (!feof(STDIN)) {
$q=count(file($n=trim(fgets(STDIN)))); echo "$n($q)\n"; $l+=$q;
$f++; } echo "Files $f, Lines: $l\n";'

Am I correct in this assumption? If yes, could please try to point
out what are the advantages of -B -R -E and -F over using just -r?


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