
I would like to know if anybody has had any luck in writing a PHP 
module, that uses an external (C) library,
using ext_skel, buildconf/phpize...
I've been reading the apidocs as well as "Web Application Development 
with PHP 4.0" but I still can't get it to work..
The problem is that allthough PHP is willing to load the compiled (PHP) 
module it can't find any of the functions provided
by the external library....
What is wrong? When I try to use the library from a plain C-program 
there are no problems...Only when I try to use it from
my PHP module...
After 3½ day with the same stupid problem I am borderline crazy and 
beginning to get REALLY fed up with PHP ;-)
Could it be a bug in the ext_skel "and friends" utilities???

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated...


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