Yes, you are taking this too literally.
Our first amendment right superecedes any law.

What you may be referring to is when competitors in a small market (or in a market 
with limited competition) compare their prices behind the scenes in order to keep the 
prices high.  Which is what the oil companies are often accused of doing (ever wonder 
why gas prices are usually within a few cents or even identical between stations even 
though they're supposed competitors?).

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Brian V Bonini" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 08:49:00 -0500

>Isn't it illegal in the US to discuss
>rates in this manner?
>It's always been my understanding that
>The U.S. law specifically makes discussion
>of pricing between competitors (all or some)
>a federal offense. 
>Am I taking this too literally?
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