Addressed to: "Richard Lynch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

** Reply to note from "Richard Lynch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Thu, 15 Feb 2001 19:25:14 
> I think you *can* use the "for win32 only" stuff on Linux if you want to
> send your mail to a different server...

I don't think so...  I just tried to add:

php_value SMTP ''
php_value sendmail_from '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
php_value sendmail_path ' '

into my Apache configuration, and PHP is still sending mail thru the local
sendmail rather than qmail on my main server.  I wish it would work as it would
take care of a problem I am having.  It looks like I may have to dig out the
Sendmail book, and do some work on it to take control of bounce messages when
PHP's mail() function tries to send to an invalid address.

Also, if I use:

php_value sendmail_path  ''

Apache will not run.  I get an error that php_value must have two parameters.  I
am not complaining, it is just something I noticed while testing.

FYI, I would like to see this work on UNIX, so I have submitted a feature
request to have it added:

Anybody else think this would be good to have?

Rick Widmer
Internet Marketing Specialists

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