The figures I'm giving you are from one of the two biggest portals in
it's less than 3%.

I'm not sure about Opera, if you are developing for an Israeli
audience, you can simply develop for IE 4.x and up.

anyone with any other browser can go and get IE :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Aviv Revach [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 4:03 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP] Hebrew websites transition with php3 ..


Thank you for the quick reply.

I do have some questions regarding your answer.

 From what I know and have seen so far, there are more than just 3% 
Internet users in Israel which use Netscape 4.x (I use it myself...).
Are you sure that I should just ignore these people, and just use logical 

Also, quite a lot of people started using Opera lately.. (ain't speaking 
about Israeli users).
Does Opera supports Logical Hebrew? If so, from which version?

Best Regards -

   Aviv Revach

At 15:20 28/02/01 +0200, Boaz Yahav wrote:
>Hi Aviv
>Let me give you a small tip about Hebrew on the net.
>The proper Hebrew code which was adopted by the Israeli Institute of
>is the Logical standard. This standard is automatically supported by IE 4.x
>and 5.x
>and also by Netscape 6.x.
>The percentage of not IE4.x or 5.x users in Israel is less than 3%.
>3 of the major portals in Israel (Walla, Nana and MSN) are already moving
>logical Hebrew.
>So why use Visual Hebrew?
>In case you decide to go with Visual in any case, did you try hebrevc()?
>       berber
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>-----Original Message-----
>From: Aviv Revach [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 1:43 PM
>Subject: [PHP] Hebrew websites transition with php3 ..
>I've just joined this mailing-list, therefore, first of all, I would like
>to say hello to everybody.
>Now, regarding the issue..
>As some of you might know, handling with Hebrew websites is rather
>difficult. Hebrew words often come-out in reversed order (i.e. 'lmth'
>instead of 'html').
>I'm working on a php3 script which would help me do the following -
>Load an existing HTML file which consists Hebrew words (as well as English
>words and HTML tags), then reversing the Hebrew words back to order.
>The problem I'm dealing with is how to reverse only the Hebrew words and
>not the entire
>document, which contains HTML tags and English words as well.
>The function 'hebrev()' does the process of reversing, but it reverses tags
>as well.
>I would really appreciate it, if anyone will find some spare time to help
>Thank you in advance -
>    Aviv Revach
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