Well, I guess it's all about the type of application you're writing and
the kind of resources you have at your disposal...
Making garbage collection 100% will basically cause the system to go
through the steps of determining what should be disposed and what not,
and that would be determined by the time-out setting... So making it
100% and keeping the time to 24 minutes would mean that a session
wouldn't last much longer than 24 minutes on your system. Is that good?
Only you will know; if your application demands long visit times for
users, then it is not a good idea, as they will find the session
destroyed after 24 minutes of use...
Running the process too often might cause some performance problems on
an average server, and leaving it for too long *could* cause memory and
disk space problems; so it's a balance really, and you should tweak the
settings to match your needs ( which you should have determined in dry
runs before going live...)

On Tue, 2003-03-11 at 09:47, Shaun van den Berg wrote:
> Hi,
> What should the probability of your garbadge collector be ? is a 100% bad ,
> and how long must the max lifetime of your session variables be , the
> default is 1440 secs(24 min) , is 24 hours to much ? Thanks
> Shaun
> --
> Novtel Consulting
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