on 11/03/03 6:47 PM, Shaun van den Berg ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Hi,
> What should the probability of your garbadge collector be ? is a 100% bad ,

I've never seen much more than 20% on a production server -- most at 1%.  If
you make it 100%, then PHP will do a garbage clean out on EVERY request
(from my understanding), which would surely place some load on the server,
and perhaps slow down your application.

> and how long must the max lifetime of your session variables be , the
> default is 1440 secs(24 min) , is 24 hours to much ? Thanks

How long do you want the sessions to last?  The only arguments against
having a large number are:

- all these sessions have to be stored somewhere (file/memory/db)

- security -- it is wise, based on your application's target market, to have
long sessions which *may* be left active?


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