* Thus wrote Jeff Stillwall ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> "CPT John W. Holmes" wrote:
> > Why not just
> > 
> > $_SESSION['userArray'] = $userArray;
> > 
> > ??
> > 
> > Then $_SESSION['userArray']['fname'] to access the values, for example.
> Well, yes, that does work.  And it's an acceptable workaround (I've already
> updated my code).  It's nice in that it let's me keep the keys that match my
> database columns.
> However, it's really just that: a workaround.  I'd still love to know why I
> can't register certain variables and have them stick outside of that one
> function.  I think I will never find out.
I was browsing the php.net site and came accross this:


Note the last comment on the bug. It seems that person has been
having the same problem as you.


"I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure."

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