Hi Jay,

        www.asp.net is a good site for learning about the ASP side of .NET, its the
web application side.  Basically Visual Basic for the web.  .NET is also
C++, C#, J#, and VB .NET.  I personally like developing in Visual Studio
.NET, but I donno about for web applications.  I use to do ASP for a living,
now I do PHP.  In some ways, I liked ASP better, but in a lot of ways, I
like PHP better.  Perl was my favorite.  I used that at my last position.
Anyhow, that'll get you started.  For any mailing lists, go to
msdn.microsoft.com, and sign up for their free newsgroups.  They have a
public news server if you don't.

-Dan Joseph

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jay Paulson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 1:36 PM
> Subject: [PHP] Opinions on Micro$oft .NET
> I know this is a little off topic but I really need some help with this.
> The company I work for just got bought out by a larger company.
> The larger company uses .NET from Micro$oft. I of course use all
> open source stuff for our web sites and now the new company wants
> to come in and pretty much blow away everything I have done and
> use their .NET setup.
> I've basically got a month to do research and get my guns loaded
> for what I'm sure will be a heated debate about the Open Source
> Solution vs the Micro$oft .NET solution.  So what I am looking
> for is personal and professional opinions about both solutions
> (specifically PHP etc), any and all links to good articles about
> both solutions giving the pros and cons of both technologies.
> Any other mailing lists I can get on to get more opinions about
> the two technologies.  Are their any links to show the cost
> benifits of using Open Source vs Micro$oft .NET? (I know Open
> Source is free but I have no clue where to find how much .NET is).
> As you can see any and everything would be a great help!!!
> Thanks a ton!

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