  I have to send mail  to people automatically at specified time . Our
environment is RedhatLinux 7.3 , Apache ,mysql and php. I am writing a
program in php to send the mail if some
Condition is met. I want to activate this program at specified time
cron facility.
So, How can we do that? Can any one help me?.

I have another problem also.   We want Cron to indicate ( through a
or a mail)  to us that a given task is completed or not.  In the present
case Cron does a task of sending a mail to a user.  After sending the
we want Cron to indicate to us that the mail was successfully sent or
sent.  This we want to know through a program because we want to use
this as
a part of automation of sending mails.

Did you have a look at the tutorial I sent you?
What, specifically, do you not understand?

1. From the command line type "crontab -e". This brings up the cron list
in vi
2. type "i" for the insert command
3. on the last line type the time you would like the cron to run, along
with commands

15 3 * * * /usr/local/bin/php /path/to/my/mail_script.php

will run the PHP script each morning at 3:15 AM

4. Hit 'escape' and type :w! to save
5. type :q! to quit

The cron job will now run each morning at 3:15 AM


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