David T-G says
> I hate to sound like a curmudgeon, but if you want this then you should
> build it, just like John anyone else who wants it should.  No, I haven't
> looked at either (I don't even know what an encoder does; I *think* that
> it could be a precompiler or an obfuscator but don't really care), but
> neither can be impossible to build and so you can have it without worry
> of politics -- or you could write your own in something other than VS C++
> or get a different one or...

1. An obsfuscator scrambles all the variable, function and class names
2. An encoder stores your source in compiled form whatever that looks like
3. An accelerator speeds up the php scripts by 1 to 10 times

Option 1 and 2 are debateable whether it should be included in php.  Option
3 is a no brainer that it should be included.

Why don't I make my own?  I don't know how.  Should I learn and do it?  No
because there's already an open source encoder and accelerator.  Why do
redundant work?

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