Michael, et al --

...and then Michael said...
% David T-G says
% > I hate to sound like a curmudgeon, but if you want this then you should
% > build it, just like John anyone else who wants it should.  No, I haven't
% 1. An obsfuscator scrambles all the variable, function and class names
% 2. An encoder stores your source in compiled form whatever that looks like
% 3. An accelerator speeds up the php scripts by 1 to 10 times

Thanks.  Very helpful.

% Option 1 and 2 are debateable whether it should be included in php.  Option
% 3 is a no brainer that it should be included.

One would think, but not necessarily; 1) there might be other accelerators
out there and 2) it's more for the maintainers to have to keep up to date
and bug-free.  Maybe, just maybe, php should stay very slim and in The
Unix Way any addons remain separate and not-required addons.  [I'm used
to seeing this sort of argument about mutt's code and featureset, and so
I tend to make these counterarguments.]

% Why don't I make my own?  I don't know how.  Should I learn and do it?  No

Neither do I.  Someone obviously does, though, which is a nice start.

% because there's already an open source encoder and accelerator.  Why do
% redundant work?

But the point is that your wish to have it would force that upon those
who write and maintain the php code.  If you want it, then at the very
least put together the pieces to make it happen for a stock tarball so
that someone can download your contributed patch/enhancement and include
it in the build.

If enough people want some item included, then they mmight or might not
be able to convince the code maintainers to include that piece, and can
always fall back to making a patch to the source tarball and/or even
making a very-similar-but-yet-completely-independent product.

HTH & HAND & thanks again

David T-G                      * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, "Science and Health"
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/      Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

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