 I have installed linux/apache/php (again) recently on my machine. When
I run an application off my server, fill out a form, submit it and then
click back to edit some entries, the form comes up blank. This happen
for apps running off my server only. Is it something with my php.ini, or
is it an apache setting ... It is making debugging very hard. Anybody
seen this problem before?

Yes, several of us have seen it, many times in fact. Imagine that.
Browsers, being the stateless wonders that they are, do not 'maintain'
the information. You have some choices through. Retrieve the variables
from the database, save them in a session variable and retrieve them
from there, or do some other imaginative method of 'maintaining' the
variables until you are done with this particular group of variables.

I invite you to STFW and STFA for the answers to your dilemna. Have a
pleasant day and happy coding!!

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