 I don't think you understood my question. Off course
you have to store data in a database  or a session var
if you want to retrieve them later on.

 My problem is not there. I hava a form, I click
submit and right after that I hit back. Usually in
most cases the form will be prefilled with what I
entered. In my case I am getting a totally blank form.
This is only hapenning with forms from my server. 

This AFAIK is the expected behaviour. Once you have submitted the form
all of the input values will be blank when you return to the form unless
you do something to specifically reload the variables into the form.
YMMV from OS to OS, browser to browser. There is only one realiable way
to do it cross-platform and these were mentioned above. You never
mentioned your server config, your browser, your OS, so I am only making
a S.W.A.G. at it. There is nothing IIRC that you can configure in the
php.ini, httpd.conf, or other configuration file. You may have a browser
setting that affects this, but since we know not your browser type it
would be hard to help you locate that.

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