Well first off all it is possible to post and get at the same time.
Dont know why you want to, but its kinda easy really :

Example :

<form name="myform" action="myscript.php?get1=a&get2=b" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="jalla" value="balla">

You can submit this form several ways, with ordinary submit button, or with
javascrip submit.

If you really want to keep serving variables that shouldnt be visble in the
browser or in the html kode I guess the only way would be using cookies.
But if the variables are defined by the users input / behavior there is
the need of showing the variables one place or another.

You mentioned that there were up to a 100 variables to be passed here.
Was that pr user or in total? Sending like a 100 variables with GET would
be a bad idea all together, since there are limits on how many caracters the
URL can hold. Some years ago alot of browsers had a limit on 128 characters,
this is imporved by the years but still the only way to feed long sets of
is through post.

If all your variables can be stored on the server, assigning a unique ID to
session would make you able to store everything in the database as someone
mentioned earlier. This wasy all you need is pass the ID within the browser.
By checking the ID against the unique session on the server you will also
eliminate tampering with the data. Webpages that has like a 100 hidden
doesnt look very "professional", but hey - it works.

The other thing is that forms can also talk with eachother nicely, what I
is that you can share the informastion with the help of javascript. Storing
the information you need for later in a form somewhere in the html page,
when you build the refresh url you just pick out the data you want to use
from the different form elements (document.form.variable.value).

I still havnt quite understood what you are accually asking for here, but
it seems like you dont know yourself, hehe

Kim Steinhaug
There are 10 types of people when it comes to binary numbers:
those who understand them, and those who don't.

"Floyd Baker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Fri, 18 Jan 2002 18:13:50 +0800, you wrote:
> >On Friday 18 January 2002 04:11, Floyd Baker wrote:
> >
> >> Yes.  I was using the url to pass variables without a form.
> >>
> >> It looks like the javascript idea would cover that now that you remind
> >> me.  I've used it before to refresh two frames at once.
> >>
> >> But even so I'd rather not go that way if at all possible.  I'd like
> >> to stay within php's ability.
> >
> >Not being able to POST and GET is a 'limitation' of HTTP not PHP.
> >
> >> Not knowing what I'm talking about for sure but is there no way of
> >> putting a variable into the 'post' status or condition, prior to being
> >> redirected, without actually using a form?
> >
> >Only be using a form will you be able to POST.
> >
> >> Thanks for the idea though.  It'll work if nothing else. :-)
> >
> >
> >Up to now we (I?) still don't know exactly what you're trying to do.
Maybe if
> >you could tell us what you're doing and if appropriate post some code,
> >we could see if there is another solution to your problem.
> >
> >
> >-- 
> >Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.com.hk
> >
> >/*
> >I am just a nice, clean-cut Mongolian boy.
> > -- Yul Brynner, 1956
> >*/
> This should be fairly standard.  Filling out a form and using a
> recursive call and if/then, to bring the variables around to a case
> switch for routing to desired pages according to form input data.
> if 'completed = y
> (
> switch
>   case
>     get to go here
>   case
>     get go there
> )
> else
> (
>     post to /this page
>     <form>
>     submit
> )
> This draft does work but I don't like the visible url variables.
> Of course in addition we have all the fields passed by the form post
> that were used as required on switch case and receiving pages...  Now
> we need to REQUEST every one.  That's fine for the sake of the
> security but now it's beneficial to get into arrays, etc. to keep
> script shorter and easier to maintain.  More learning. Always good.
> 4.1 is pushing me.  :-)
> The solutions look more involved than my poor coding has been til now.
> We need to put more things into function form maybe, instead of
> passing between separate pages.
> I'm probably still out in left field with a lot of this *visualizing*
> but it's coming.  And always good to talk it out.
> Can you tell me if it's possible to run 4.03 and 4.1 *both* on the
> same machine?  I'm thinking the old script would be php3 and the new
> stuff php4.  Is that something that could be done until the old
> scripts are upgraded?
> Floyd
> --

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