well I'll be dammed, that was it! Geeze, you look at something for so long sometimes you can't see the wood for the trees!!!!

I feel sooooo stoopid now!



jon bennett | [EMAIL PROTECTED] new media designer / developer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

J b e n . n e t

91 Gloucester Rd,  Trowbridge,  Wilts,  BA14 0AD
t: +44 (0) 1225 341039 w: http://www.jben.net/

On 1 Dec 2003, at 15:10, Pavel Jartsev wrote:

Jon Bennett wrote:
Just to clarify about using move_uploaded_file()
function addProduct(){
// Move the uploaded file to the correct location
move_uploaded_file($$_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"], BASE_DIR."/_img/_products/".$iProductId."_".$fileName);

function storeBigImage($ID, $aImage){

// create filenames
fopen($aImage['name'], 'r');
$aNewImage['real_name'] = $aImage['name'];
$aNewImage['new_name'] = $ID . '_' . 'big' . '_' . $aNewImage['real_name'];
$aNewImage['image_loc'] = BASE_DIR . '_lib/_products/' . $aNewImage['new_name'];

Just noticed one thing... maybe it's just a typo, but directory, where You save uploaded image isn't the same in those examples.

In "move_uploaded_file()" it contains "_img/...", but in "storeBigImage()" there is "_lib/...". And therefore first case is working and second isn't.

-- Pavel a.k.a. Papi

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