Freedomware wrote:
Ryan A wrote:

"It installed pretty easy and the guy who makes it is real cool

and will help you via the forum. Also options to run other things like

Thanks for the tip. You raised one other question I have - PERL.

I know nothing about it, but I just wondered how it fits into the big scheme of things. Am I correct in understanding that PHP is, in the broadest sense, a more user friendly PERL equivalent, and that people who have mastered PHP still use PERL for doing certain advanced functions that PHP can't handle?

PHP and Perl really aren't interchangeable. There are alot of tasks that they can both do, and I'm sure a few items that one can handle that the other cannot, but it all boils down to what you want to do. If all you're wanting to do with a programming language is create web sites and middle-tier web applications, stick with PHP. Perl can handle it quite well, but wasn't designed for that task, whereas PHP was/is. I cut my teeth on Perl in the mid-90's, and still use it today for some system admistration tasks, but I can't think of a reason where I would choose a Perl CGI script over a PHP application for web development.

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