Marek Kilimajer wrote:
> I don't know what the character is but if you paste it into the
> textarea, ord() will tell you.

I have done some further testing. I created a form with a text area. When you hit submit, it just redisplays what ever you typed. Now, using this new test script if I cut and paste from MS-Word, there is no problem.

So that leads me to believe that it has something to do with either writing the CLOB onto the Oracel database or retrieving the CLOB from the Oracle database. In either of those two actions, the data is becoming corrupted of sorts....

I'm currently playing around with my arrangment of stripslashes, htmlentities and nl2br. Trying to arrange them either before placing onto the database or after retrieval.

I'm also creating a test where I just cut and paste " into the area and use ord() to find out what it's returning...

Thanks for the tip(s)!


Roger Spears wrote:


This question may border on OT...

I have a web form where visitors must enter large amounts of text at one time (text area). Once submitted, the large amount of text is stored as a CLOB in an Oracle database.

Some of my visitors create their text in Ms-Word and then cut and paste it into the text area and then submit the form.

When I retrieve it from the database, I do a stripslahses, htmlentities and nl2br in that order to preserve the format of the submitted test. When I view this text, single or double quotes show up as little white square blocks. I've tested this out with MS-Word on a windows machine and a mac machine. Same thing happens with either OS. This only happens when they cut and paste from MS-Word into the text area. If they type text into the text area directly, everything is fine...

I know I can search through their submitted text and swap out the unrecognized character and insert the proper one. I just don't know what to look for as being the unrecognized character.

I've googled all over looking at ascII charts and keyboard maps. Nothing mentions MS-Word specific information though.

Anyone out there dealt with this before?


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