Roger Spears wrote:

Marek Kilimajer wrote:
> I don't know what the character is but if you paste it into the
> textarea, ord() will tell you.

When I run ord(), it returns the value of 19. I'm guessing that is a hex value. And when I look that up on the ascII table, it says:
19 DC3 (Device Control 3)

For some reason when it retrieves the CLOB from the database it is converting any " that were created with MS-Word into this DC3 character.

According to the table at:

the start quote character in the Windows Latin-1 character set is hex 93
= hex 80 + 13 = decimal 128 + 19. So it seems the 8-bit character has
lost its highest bit and become a 7-bit character.

Strange indeed....

Stranger things have happened...

Thanks, R

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