Ah... I was trying to lookup the word "timeout," which was giving me nothing. Thanks! Also, shouldn't I be receiving an error message if the script is, in fact, timing out? I have checked "display_errors" and it is turned on.


Hello Ben,

On 27 Jan 2004 at 9:27, Ben Ramsey wrote:

I'm trying to run a query against a database with a PHP script that cycles through each record (about 4,000+) and sends and e-mail to them if they have an e-mail address present. The problem is that everytime I do this, it processes about 430 records and stops. There is no error message generated. Could this be due to a script timeout? If so, how do I raise the timeout value?

Look up set_time_limit in the PHP manual. Also, consider retrieving all the records first with a single db query, storing all e-mails in an array, and then sending out the e-mails in a separate operation. Why query your db 4000+ times when you can query it only once?

Good luck,


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