Two ways we deal with long running scripts like this are:
1) Run it from the command line. Usually, PHP drives web pages... But it
can be used as a scripting language just like perl. Beginning the script
with set_time_limit(0) kills the timeout. Also, running from the command
line gets around all the weird browser display issues that one sometimes
2) Mark your place as you go. Maybe include a field called something
like lastSent. When each email goes out, mark it. That way, you can
recover it later if something happens.

        -- jon

jon roig
web developer
phone: 888.230.7557

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 7:36 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Script timeout?

Hello Ben,

On 27 Jan 2004 at 9:27, Ben Ramsey wrote:

> I'm trying to run a query against a database with a PHP script that
> cycles through each record (about 4,000+) and sends and e-mail to them

> if they have an e-mail address present.  The problem is that everytime
> do this, it processes about 430 records and stops.  There is no error 
> message generated.  Could this be due to a script timeout?  If so, how

> do I raise the timeout value?

Look up set_time_limit in the PHP manual. Also, consider retrieving all
the records first 
with a single db query, storing all e-mails in an array, and then
sending out the e-mails 
in a separate operation. Why query your db 4000+ times when you can
query it only  

Good luck,


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